The Liverpool Daily Post and Liverpool Echo have appointed a new head of web and data development.

Neil MacDonald, who had been serving as acting head since the departure of Kevin Matthews earlier this year, has worked for the Trinity Mirror papers since 2000.

MacDonald trained as a journalist at the University of Central Lancashire and worked for weekly papers around the north west of England before joining the Post and Echo newsroom, where he has worked as a news reporter, sports writer, sub-editor and page designer.

He became part of the titles' digital team in February 2009 and has served as deputy head of web and data development.

"The job entails looking after the websites for the Liverpool Echo, Liverpool Daily Post and Trinity Mirror's weekly newspapers on Merseyside - both in terms of day-to-day management and also development for the future," MacDonald told

"Working for the Post and Echo means a lot to me - my ambition leaving college was to work here - so I'm really excited and proud to have been given this opportunity.

"Even in the two years since our digital team came together, the industry has evolved at an incredible pace. My main aim is to ensure we develop with it by being ambitious in the type of stories we tell and how we tell them, while taking advantage of the new tools and opportunities that appear almost every day."

MacDonald said he would like to thank Matthews and outgoing executive editor for digital, Alison Gow for their "invaluable" advice and guidance during his career.

"I'm lucky because I have a fantastic team of digital journalists to work with in Jo Kelly, Dan Kay and Sean Bradbury, and we are based in a newsroom whose interest in digital skills and storytelling is growing all the time," he added.

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