
BuzzFeed provides a snapshot of 'the viral web in realtime'

The New York Times announced a partnership with social news outlet BuzzFeed today, which will see the BuzFeed's political reporting incorporated into some of the New York Times live video coverage of the Democratic and Republican national conventions.

In a release the outlets said the "expanded video coverage", which will be made available on, will feature "segments" of reporting from editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed Ben Smith "and members of his political team".

"Additionally, the Times will collaborate with Smith and his staff on segments for TimesCast Politics in the months leading up to the conventions."

Assistant managing editor for the New York Times Jim Roberts told that BuzzFeed "has a sensitive ear when it comes to social media", and the New York Times hopes this will provide its audience with insight into "some of the livelier story lines that emerge on Twitter and through other social avenues".

"Social, of course, is huge during live events, and during the conventions we'll be looking for ways to listen to it better, to capture it for our own site, and to participate in it. Ben and BuzzFeed will be big allies in that effort."

He added that live video coverage "is a pretty new thing for us" and that for now the New York Times is "experimenting and learning".

"We think that BuzzFeed will be a fun collaborator in that effort. This really was a case of seeing opportunity and compatibility.

"Ben Smith has a strong track record in political reporting and understands the importance of journalistic responsibility. That's the compatibility part.

"And the opportunity is really in the social realm, where BuzzFeed has been such a successful innovator. Whether we seek or consider other collaborations remains to be seen; for now we're focusing on this great opportunity."

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