Credit: Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Cross-discipline collaboration is increasingly necessary to foster newsroom innovation.

However, bringing together people from disciplines as varied as engineering, design and journalism - and making them work efficiently on a common project - is not always easy.

To help combine the talent of people with different mindsets and skillsets, Uli Köppen, a 2019 Nieman Fellow and head of data journalism at the German public broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk (ARD), rounded up these 10 tips for working across disciplines.

She advises to experiment frequently and learn from your failures, adding that management needs to be serious about affording space to fail.

"As The Washington Post’s director for strategic initiatives Jeremy Gilbert puts it: 'We try very hard to reward not only success but clever attempts. So that we can be wrong — but that can be valuable, too,'" Köppen writes.

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