Student with book
Credit: By Wiertz Sébastien on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

Poynter recently asked its readers of journalists and editors to give them the best writing tips they'd ever received or given, and they were quick to offer their advice.

David Beard, contributing editor, Poynter, has collated them in this article, which simply lists them, along with a note about each contributor.

Advice ranges from ensuring writers follow KISS: Keeping it short and simple, to understanding the importance of reading your copy out loud.

If you'd like to learn how to write economically, on budget, and to a deadline, come along to our next Copywriting for Freelance Journalists course on 16 October. The training will highlight the key differences between writing journalistic copy and writing commercial copy, and will provide you with a way to use your existing skills to add a new income stream.

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