cardboard virtual reality viewer
Credit: Image by nicknormal on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

Together with journalism students at the University of Missouri, Kat Duncan, senior video editor for RJI Futures Lab, produces a series called 'Innovation in focus', exploring the newest tools and technology available for journalists to tell stories. In this article on MediaShift, she gives advice on what to keep in mind while filming a 360-degree video.

A very important aspect of producing in this immersive format is the position of your 360-degree camera. According to Duncan, “the camera should be set up at the average height of a person, which will allow the viewer to experience the story as if they were standing there in real life”. 

She also points out that you shouldn't expect too much when it comes to the quality of video shot on a mobile 360-degree camera, which will be lower compared to the quality of videos shot on advanced DSLRs or video cameras – although this could improve in the future.

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