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Over the past few years, we have seen some significant developments in mobile journalism (mojo), with reporters now able to produce broadcast-quality content on their smartphones for radio, television and social media.

In fact, everyone with a smartphone now has the equivalent of an entire production studio in their pocket, and with the help of a few apps, tips and tools, journalists around the world have been embracing this new technology and enjoying more time-efficient workflows.

So, if you haven't got started yet, what are you waiting for?

Every Monday we will be delving into the world of mobile journalism, taking a closer look at how it is being used in newsrooms and the developing kit and apps available, with expert advice from mobile journalists around the web.

Kicking our #mojomonday series off, BBC reporter, Nick Garnett, explained to us at this year's MoJoCon why he hasn't used a professional audio recorder since 2009, using just his mobile phone to record and file professional radio packages from the field.

Smartphones are limitless for what we can use them for – they are only limited by our imaginationNick Garnett, BBC

"My first tape recorder was a Uher reel-to-reel machine, which was made out of bricks and weighed the same as a newborn baby," said Garnett.

"Smartphones are limitless for what we can use them for – they are only limited by our imagination."

He noted that the industry is seeing a convergence of all different forms of digital output, with radio reporters like himself now having to produce content for various platforms.

Using a mobile phone, he has reported on a range of issues around the world, including the devastation caused by the Nepal earthquake and the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks.

"There is no end to the journey that we are on at the moment – it is transforming journalism," said Garnett.

"My dream is that we stop calling it mobile journalism and it just becomes journalism."

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