Reporting from a war zone is one of the most difficult journalism jobs. From risks to safety to impact on mental health, these assignments require careful planning, understanding of ethical implications and thorough risk assessment.

Eurovision News, part of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), in partnership with training experts from the Thomson Foundation, has created a free training course where journalists can learn the ins and outs of reporting from a war zone.

'For The Record - How to Document Stories' from a War Zone is a self-paced free online programme aimed both at reporters out in the field and newsroom journalists. It takes about two to four hours to complete and there is no limit on the number of participants.

Six modules cover topics like being an eyewitness, dealing with traumatised survivors, or security in the field. The course is also designed to train journalists how to document and archive possible war crimes.

You can sign up for the course here.

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Correction: A previous version of this story said the training equips journalists with the skills to identify war crimes. This has been corrected to reflect that the course only trains journalists to document and archive war crimes.

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