

Sarah Antoniou Location: Hertfordshire
Country: United Kingdom
Skills: CopywriterDesignerEditorFeatureIllustratorProofreaderSubeditorTranslator
Specialisms: arthome designinterior design property

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Fiona Nicolson Location: Edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom
Skills: CopywriterEditorFeatureProofreaderReporterSubeditor
Specialisms: businessconstructioninsuranceinvestmentmortgages personal financepropertywealth management

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Wendy Jacob Location: York
Country: United Kingdom
Skills: BroadcasterCopywriterEditorFeatureReporterResearcherSubeditor
Specialisms: bereavement defencehealth and wellnessmedical and healthcarepsychologysciencetraumayoga

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Sandra Shevey Location: London
Country: United Kingdom
Skills: CopywriterEditorFeatureResearcher
Specialisms: street markets

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Paul Tullis Location: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Skills: CopywriterEditorFeatureReporterResearcher
Specialisms: criminal justicehealth sciencesciencetechnology

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