

Diana Taremwa Karakire Location: Kiira
Country: Uganda
Skills: FeaturePhotographerReporterResearcher
Specialisms: energyenvironmentextractiveshuman rightspolitics

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Nick Raistrick Location: Brighton
Country: United Kingdom
Skills: BroadcasterCopywriterEditorSubeditor
Specialisms: disinformationhuman rights

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Robert B. Fishman Location: Bielefeld and Munich
Country: Germany
Skills: BroadcasterCopywriterEditorFeaturePhotographerReporterResearcher
Specialisms: democracyhuman rightsjewish culturelawsustainability

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Rebecca ROOT Location: Bangkok
Country: Thailand
Skills: BroadcasterCopywriterEditorFeatureProofreaderReporter
Specialisms: equalityhuman rightshumanitarian

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