British GQ has announced the appointment of two new columnists.

Historian and cultural critic Simon Schama, and Ed Vaizey MP, the minister responsible for culture, communications and the creative industries, will publish their first columns in the magazine's October issue.

Schama will contribute a food column, beginning with a dispatch about bison meat. Vaizey will have a "wide-ranging brief", according to the magazine, beginning with column about fashion and politics.

Dylan Jones, editor of GQ, says: "The October issue of GQ is always noteworthy, marking our annual Men of the Year Awards, and the arrival of our two highly influential new columnists ensure this issue is even more significant. I’m delighted to be able to add both Ed Vaizey and Simon Schama to our prestigious roster of writers."

GQ is published by Condé Nast, who also publishes Vogue, Vanity Fair and the New Yorker.

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