Crunch It Worldcrunch

Worldcrunch, which translates articles from non-English media, has launched Crunch It, providing snippets of translated journalism

News translation platform Worldcrunch has launched Crunch It, a new “international news feed” that provides translated snippets of journalism from across the web.
Worldcrunch was first launched in December 2010 by former Time magazine bureau chief Jeff Israely and former France chief executive Irene Toporkoff.

The team behind Worldcrunch select, translate and edit articles from non-English media source partners including Le Monde, Le Figaro, La Stampa and Die Welt. More recent source partners include Argentine daily Clarin and Chinese publisher Caixin.

Two weeks ago the site launched Crunch It, an additional feed of shorter translated articles provided on top of its full length translations from sources with which Worldcrunch has copyright agreements.

"Now we are ‘crunching’ content from all over the world, all sources, all languages,” Israely told, in a bid to "be quicker, quirkier, webby-er" and to enable the site to offer "a real daily feed of international events".

"It is an extension of our core concept that if we look at what's being produced in other languages we will find exclusive content, a range of viewpoints."

He said Worldcrunch will continue to provide its "premium articles" from source partners, which the site has also started selling to other news providers including the Toronto Star and Australian public broadcaster SBS.

But the site is using a "twin strategy", he added, by selling premium content to print and digital and also offering content/traffic exchanges for the "international news feed".

The feed – which Worldcrunch is also planning to secure distribution deals for – will see the addition of six stories a day on top of the six premium stories the site also produces.

There are also plans further along the line to involve readers more directly with Crunch It in terms of hunting out stories to be included, especially those with a second language.

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