solutions journalism

In today's rapidly moving media landscape, reader acquisition and longevity are paramount, but news avoidance is becoming an ever-growing issue. The relentless stream of bad news leads to many becoming overwhelmed and stepping away entirely.

Solutions journalism addresses the growing concern of readers avoiding traditional news by offering content that fosters a sense of hope and positive change. It is not just a reporting style, nor is it about "feel-good" pieces: instead, it is a mindset that captivates and empowers readers by showing the stories of those who are making a real impact on systemic social issues.

Our comprehensive course taught by Jack Rosenberry will dive deep into the core principles of solutions journalism, teaching you how to find compelling stories, build on leads, and incorporate strategies into your daily work.

The course will cover:

  • The principles and history of solutions journalism
  • The benefits of incorporating a solutions mindset
  • How to identify and construct a solutions story
  • How to integrate solutions journalism into your newsroom

Getting there

This self-paced course will take place on our online platform starting from 6 September and ending on 1 November.

About Jack Rosenberry

Jack Rosenberry worked as a reporter and editor for several US newspapers for the first 22 years of his career, then became a college journalism professor for an additional 20 years.

Most recently, since retiring from full-time work in 2021, he worked as the data coordinator for a US non-profit startup news organisation specialising in solutions journalism.

From both his classroom and professional experience he has extensive experience in designing and presenting online course material. He is based in Rochester, NY, USA and has also spent time as a researcher and visiting journalism instructor in both the UK and Ireland.