

The legacy of WikiLeaks, with award-winning journalist James Ball

Although Julian Assange is famously difficult to work with, he will be ironically best remembered for transforming investigative journalism into a collaborative field

Posted by Jacob Granger on 04/07/24

Wikileaks launches publicly searchable library of US 'cables'

Two million files logged in database to protect against 'reclassification'

Posted by Alastair Reid on 08/04/13

WikiLeaks suspends publishing 'to ensure future survival'

Founder Julian Assange also claims newspapers which published US cables could be 'on the verge of having their readers and advertiser payments blocked'

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 24/10/11

WikiLeaks and CPJ in dispute after journalist 'flees' Ethiopia

The Committee to Protect Journalists reports Ethiopian journalist Argaw Ashine fled the country after appearing in an unredacted embassy cable, but WikiLeaks says he was named 'in passing' and not as an informant

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 16/09/11

Australia: no plans to prosecute Assange over cables

Attorney general says authorities have no plans to prosecute WikiLeaks founder, despite claims that unredacted embassy cables reveal identity of Australian intelligence officer

Posted by Joel Gunter on 05/09/11

Reporters Without Borders suspends WikiLeaks mirror site

Press freedom group temporarily suspends mirror site following WikiLeaks' publication of its entire cache of unredacted US embassy cables

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 02/09/11

WikiLeaks publishes all 251,000 US embassy cables

Group reacts to security breach by publishing full cache of unredacted diplomatic cables through its own website

Posted by Joel Gunter on 02/09/11

Guardian calls on WikiLeaks to scrap 'grossly irresponsible' release plans

Former media partner urges whistleblowing group not to release cache of unredacted diplomatic cables after BitTorrent leak leaves them available online

Posted by Joel Gunter on 01/09/11

WikiLeaks accuses Guardian over unredacted cables leak

Whistleblowers' group blames newspaper for security breach which led to full cache of 251,000 secret US embassy cables being available online without sensitive information removed

Posted by Joel Gunter on 01/09/11

WikiLeaks links with Brazilian partner to scrutinise US embassy cables

Not-for-profit journalism centre Publica has started its 'WikiLeaks Week' by publishing diplomatic documents for the first time

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 27/06/11

Wall Street Journal launches new WikiLeaks-style site 'SafeHouse'

Stand-alone site is located on secure servers and managed directly by Wall Street Journal editors

Posted by Joel Gunter on 05/05/11

Telegraph names alleged rape victim in full Guantánamo release

Newspaper appears to have broken the Press Complaints Commission Editors' Code of Conduct by publishing details of sexual assault on a minor

Posted by Joel Gunter on 28/04/11

Al Jazeera journalist's six years in Guantánamo due in part to role at network

New leaked documents show that Sami al-Hajj was held partly in order to provide information on the Arabic television network

Posted by Joel Gunter on 25/04/11

Guardian 'double-crossed' by WikiLeaks over Guantánamo leak

Guardian and New York Times manage to obtain documents despite being cut out by Julian Assange after 'feud'

Posted by Joel Gunter on 25/04/11

New York Times receives ethical journalism award for WikiLeaks coverage

Judges praised the Times for its 'thoughtful, carefully calculated' coverage of last year's major WikiLeaks releases

Posted by Joel Gunter on 18/03/11

Russia backs down over deportation of Guardian journalist

Foreign ministry spokesman says country is ready to issue a visa so Luke Harding can return after stint in London penning WikiLeaks book

Posted by Joel Gunter on 10/02/11

Guardian Moscow correspondent denied re-entry to Russia

Luke Harding was attempting to re-enter the country at the weekend after a two-month stint covering the WikiLeaks embassy cables in London

Posted by Joel Gunter on 08/02/11

'There was never an average day': James Ball on being WikiLeaks' in-house journalist

Former investigative journalism student James Ball talks to about being recruited by Julian Assange and about his new role at the Guardian

Posted by Joel Gunter on 31/01/11

Assange vows to step up publication of US embassy cables

Speaking outside Belmarsh Magistrates Court yesterday, Assange said WikiLeaks would step up publishing US embassy cables and 'other materials'

Posted by Rachel McAthy on 12/01/11

Guardian journalists to publish book on WikiLeaks partnership

WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's war on secrecy will tell the story from the site's launch in 2006 to the 2010 embassy cables partnership with the newspaper

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 10/01/11

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From our editors' blog

#media140 - El Pais writer Joseba Elola 'witnessing history' with WikiLeaks

Elola spoke about the journey from arranging to meet with Julian Assange at the Media140 conference in Barcelona

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 14 April 2011

AP: WikiLeaks looking to enlist up to 60 more media partners

Julian Assange says he wants to reach beyond traditional media organisations to speed up the release of US embassy cables

Posted by Joel Gunter on 26 January 2011

Guardian forced to print embarrassing correction over WikiLeaks cable

An article in Comment if free heavily criticised WikiLeaks for publishing a US embassy cable that was put in the public domain by the Guardian

Posted by Joel Gunter on 13 January 2011

Guardian: Republicans seek congressional inquiry into WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks appears in a list of priorities for investigation by the House of Representatives' oversight committee in a partly political move aimed at the attorney general, Eric Holder

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 4 January 2011

Norwegian newspaper claims to have access to full trove of WikiLeaks cables

Views and News from Norway (VNN) claims that Aftenposten has possession of all the documents, despite WikiLeaks' strategy of drip-feeding them on its own website and through select media partners

Posted by Joel Gunter on 22 December 2010

Independent: Vaughan Smith - 'Why I'm sheltering Julian Assange'

Smith ponders the disservice to Julian Assange from the media 'with their stockings stuffed by WikiLeaks'

Posted by Laura Oliver on 15 December 2010

#cablegate: Judge permits tweeting from court in Assange bail hearing

Follow the court proceedings via our Storify

Posted by Laura Oliver on 14 December 2010

#cablegate: Newspaper editors on their part in the WikiLeaks cables release

Editors of Der Spiegel, New York times, Le Monde and El Pais write about reaction to Wikileaks stories in their titles

Posted by Laura Oliver on 10 December 2010

BBC: Pakistani newspapers publish fake embassy cables

English-language Express Tribune newspaper published a front-page retraction after being duped

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 10 December 2010

Guardian: WikiLeaks insider to publish memoirs in January

Daniel Domscheit-Berg tell-all book, Inside Wikileaks: My Time at the World's Most Dangerous Website is to be published by Econ Verlag

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 9 December 2010

Video: How the Guardian has protected #cablegate sources

The Guardian's database secures sensitive information, such as Wikileaks and protects and sources

Posted by Laura Oliver on 9 December 2010

Video: I would have published leaks, says Harry Evans

Evan was critical of WikiLeaks though, which he said had not done a responsible job of redaction

Posted by Joel Gunter on 8 December 2010

#cablegate: Is WikiLeaks a whistleblower?

News organisations put an end to the term 'whistleblower' to describe Wikileaks which displays leaked information

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 8 December 2010

Emily Bell: 'WikiLeaks has woken up journalism'

Bell writes how WikiLeaks and cablegate is forcing journalists and news organisations to assess their stance on the leaks

Posted by Laura Oliver on 8 December 2010

Comment: Joe Lieberman, the New York Times and the idea of 'bad citizenship'

Lieberman makes very clear his desire to see the organisation's founder Julian Assange extradited to the US and indicted by any means possible

Posted by Joel Gunter on 7 December 2010

#cablegate: WikiLeaks essential to a strong media, Assange argues in new op-ed

The Australian has published an op-ed piece by Julian Assange which quotes a young Rupert Murdoch saying: 'In the race between secrecy and truth, it seems inevitable that truth will always win.'

Posted by Joel Gunter on 7 December 2010

#cablegate: WikiLeaks appeals for support amid sustained cyber attacks

More than a week after WikiLeaks began publishing secret US diplomatic cables but the organisation continues to occupy the headlines amid mounting cyber attacks

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 7 December 2010

Comment is Free: Al-Jazeera is not Qatar's 'poodle'

Former Al-Jazeera journalist Mark Seddon responds to US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks that suggested the Arabic arm of the broadcaster has been used as a 'tool of foreign policy' by the Qatari government

Posted by Laura Oliver on 7 December 2010 'Why WikiLeaks is good for America' editor-in-chief Evan Hansen writes in support of Wikileaks on the Threat Level blog despite being criticised by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

Posted by Joel Gunter on 7 December 2010 'Why we were right to publish the WikiLeaks embassy cables'

Readers' editor Chris Elliott weighs in on the newspaper's decision to partner WikiLeaks

Posted by Laura Oliver on 6 December 2010

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