The Press Complaints Commission (PCC) has launched a digital version of the Editors' Codebook.

The new site is the preserve of the PCC's editors' code of practice committee, which writes and revises the voluntary code of standards it oversees.

The site features an extended downloadable version of the official code handbook.

Visitors to the site will be able to subscribe free-of-charge to receive code updates and news by email.

"Our aim is to create greater access to the code and to the code committee's work.

"Besides the online codebook, the site also includes answers to frequently asked questions, guidance notes, press releases and a history of how the code has evolved since 1991," said code committee secretary Ian Beales.

"While the content [of the code handbook] has been updated to take account of changes to the code since 2004, later case histories have not yet been included. These will be introduced as part of a second stage revision next year.

"Our hope is that by making the book more user-friendly it will become an even more essential tool in making self regulation work."

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