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Covering tech can be off-putting for newcomers who often struggle with jargon and incomprehensible concepts. But knowing your URL from your UX is not the only challenge - tech reporters must be able to explain complicated stories in plain language, and even turn them into a riveting read.

Sifted, a media outlet that focuses on tech startups in Europe, set out to do just that. By bringing stories that are accessible without being dumbed down, the publication gives the opportunity to journalists from all sorts of backgrounds to tell tech stories from a fresh perspective. Long story short, tech reporting is no longer just for white boys.

This week, our guest host Milly Martin spoke to Sifted deputy editor Amy Lewin about how employing women journalists, avoiding manels (all-male panels) at conferences and spotlighting entrepreneurs from marginalised groups can help transform the pale, male, tech journalism industry.

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