Through its varied series of programmes over the past 12 months, the European Journalism Centre (EJC) has spotted some common challenges faced by European newsrooms that put engagement at the heart of their journalism.

They might have figured out a way to incorporate it into the editorial workflows, but matching this success on the business side of things was rather difficult. The Engaged Journalism Accelerator, a collaboration between the EJC, the News Integrity Initiative, and Civil, hopes to address this skills gap through a €600,000 grant, events and mentoring. caught up with Adam Thomas, director of the European Journalism Centre, and Daniel Sieberg, ecosystem lead and co-founder of Civil, at the International Journalism Festival in Italy to find out more about their plans for the accelerator.

In this podcast, you'll find out more about the grants, how the accelerator came about, and how Civil, a journalism marketplace based on blockchain, can help newsrooms.

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