The importance of creating skilled, effective leaders in a business is evident in two primary areas.

Firstly, good leaders can inspire and motivate their teams to achieve their goals. They possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which enable them to effectively convey their vision and build strong relationships with their team.

Secondly, good leaders have a strategic mindset and the ability to make informed decisions that benefit the organisation as a whole. They are adept at identifying opportunities and managing risks, ensuring a business’s long-term success and sustainability.

Expanded learning:

Credico is committed to continuous learning and growth, so they are implementing a new enterprise learning platform with custom content and procured training courses available to Credico employees across the US and Canada.

How has this initiative benefited the company? It is currently in its pilot stage but has already been a game-changer for the company, allowing them to deliver educational content and provide a comprehensive learning experience for their employees. It enables them to offer training programs segmented by a variety of broad topics, including:

  • Leadership
  • Department-specific training
  • Compliance training

The company is proud to say that the platform will successfully cater to the diverse needs of its workforce.

Specialised courses expand knowledge

Credico not only provides courses on their learning platform but also offers live in-person classroom courses, technical boot camps, and custom courses tailored to each individual’s needs. They acknowledge that everyone has different learning preferences and strive to accommodate all of them. This demonstrates their commitment to people-centred learning and the ongoing development of each individual.

Third-party platforms add value

Credico has partnered with third-party platforms to help upskill and develop their employees. These platforms offer a wide range of learning resources and courses, enabling Credico’s staff to broaden their knowledge and gain new skills.

By leveraging external expertise and resources, Credico aims to foster a continuous learning and development culture among its workforce.

Future plans for ongoing learning

Looking ahead, Credico has an exciting initiative planned for 2024. They plan to add enterprise access to a leading learning platform to complement their existing learning management system (LMS). This implementation will begin in North America this quarter, and once they have a successful pilot and gain adoption, they will expand it to all their operating countries. This new learning platform will further enhance employees’ development opportunities and provide them with even more options for growth.

Credico’s consistent commitment to development extends beyond just offering training courses. They understand that each employee has unique aspirations and career goals. Whether someone wants to sharpen their skills for their current role, prepare for a future leadership position, or simply learn best practices to work more effectively, they offer many training programs to support their individual needs.

Benefits of continued learning

Investing in employee learning promotes their growth and supports talent development and retention strategies. When employees feel valued and provided with opportunities to learn and grow, they become more engaged and motivated. This, in turn, leads to higher job satisfaction and improved performance.

Leadership training also contributes to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within organisations, as DEI-focused leadership programs develop cultural competence and enhance the hiring process. Leadership training helps develop essential leadership qualities such as:

  • Vision
  • Communication
  • Integrity
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving

Developing these qualities fosters a culture of success and empowers the workforce, turning individuals into inspiring and forward-thinking leaders.

Credico recognises that People are their most valuable asset and that investing in their growth is investing in the company’s future. With their learning management system, custom training courses, and partnerships with third-party platforms, Credico is confident they can continue to build future leaders.

Contact Name:
Debbie Shaw
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