question mark
Credit: Image by benjreay on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

As journalists, we can often be tempted to try out many of the tools available to ease or improve our work, but how do we ensure we are choosing the right ones, and how can we convince sceptical colleagues about the benefits they can have?

In an article on Poynter, digital tools reporter Ren LaForme provides 13 questions to ask before adopting new tools or changes in the newsroom, divided across purpose, practicality, necessity and the 'it' factor.

For example, journalists should think about whether the new initiative will save money or time, but they should also consider if it presents a learning curve and if it's sustainable in the long run.

For more questions to ask in order to improve your editorial projects, check out this article we wrote last year, where journalists and editors shared insights on how they think about usefulness, community and format, to ensure a story is the best it can be.

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