Credit: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Summertime is synonymous with music festivals. While we are nearing the festive period, landmark events like Glastonbury are quickly announcing the big headline acts. Music journalists everywhere will be gearing for these must-attend events.

Tom Taylor, trainee journalist at JournoResources rounds up the best advice on how to cover music festivals, touching on communicating with PRs for securing scoops and press passes, as well as what to watch out for.

You can also only ever be in one place at one time, so sometimes you have to think carefully about which sets to attend and cover. As Will Richards, digital editor of DIY Magazine, notes in the article, you need to take into account the consensus of the crowd as well as your own assessment. You can always ask people directly in between sets.

"You note that down and get a sense of what people at the festival are thinking because as a reviewer you put some of yourself into the review, but you also need to reflect what the fans are saying," the article reads.

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