What is it? A voice chat platform that allows you to invite and record multiple guests' audio using their device microphones.

Cost: Free

How is it of use to journalists?

The podcast hype does not seem to be dying down any time soon. But as you continue your search for your next guest, what do you do if you cannot interview them in person?

You could record them on a phone call, but the line connection may not be the best quality. You could ask them to record where they are as you interview them on another chat application, but that can be a logistical nightmare.

Zencastr allows you to invite guests to chat online, and using guests' microphones, record their audio inside the tool and download for yourself afterwards.

In our video explainer, we walk through the tool in how to invite guests, ensure strong connection, make the most of its in-chat features and access your files quickly. This allows you to jump into the editing process with minimal fuss.

Find out how to use live podcasts to drive audience engagement at Newsrewired on 27 November at Reuters, London. Head to newsrewired.com for the full agenda and tickets

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