Matthew Caines has been appointed style editor at Sartorial Male, a digital fashion magazine published by Henry's Opinion.

Caines will be directing the Style section and writing lead feature pieces and brief fashion guides.

He joins the magazine from Bristol-based lifestyle publication AREA Magazine, where he was editorial assistant.

In 2009, Caines graduated the University of Birmingham, where he was features editor for university newspaper Redbrick. He has since written for Food & Drink Magazine, eHow Style and Livestrong Lifestyle.

Alongside working for Sartorial Male and taking on freelance work, he is one fifth of the team that run Wannabe Hacks, a blog that advises and helps aspiring journalsts. He also has his own lifestyle blog,

His advice to anyone wanting to be a style editor is: "Keep yourself immersed in and updated on the industry. Style and trend are such ever-changing philosophies that if you don't have your finger on the fashion pulse then you won't be able to speak with authority on the subject that you love. If you can't be passionate and clued-up on fashion then you're going to fall down the pecking order to somebody else who is (and there's always somebody else who is!)."

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