Simon Binns has been appointed news editor at Manchester Confidential.

Binns was formerly senior business reporter at Crain's Manchester Business, which closed in June following financial difficulties.

He told he will be responsible for "increasing the news output at - traditionally a lifestyle-oriented site - and making the site appeal to a business audience as well".

Binns began his journalism career at the Co-operative news in Manchester, before going on to work for Supporters Direct in London, setting up supporters’ trusts at football clubs, and spending three years editing gambling industry trade magazine InterGaming. He joined Crain's when it launched in 2007.

"Journalism’s getting tougher as an industry but there will always be a demand for well-sourced, properly researched news," he advised today's journalists. "Check your facts, then check them again. Know your readers, know your patch. And it helps if you like a bit of pressure every now and again."

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