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The guide will be released at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia

The Data Journalism Handbook, an open-source guide to working in the field of data journalism, is set to be launched this week.

Initially drafted in just 48 hours at last year's Mozilla Festival in London, the guide will be launched at this week's School of Data Journalism at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia.

The handbook brings together contributions from experts across the world to discuss what data journalism is, how it works and how to find data, and explore case studies of data journalism in practice.

Contributors include Paul Bradshaw, course leader of the MA in online journalism at Birmingham City University, who sets out to define data journalism, and Martin Rosenbaum, the BBC's Freedom of Information expert, who provides a case study of data journalism in practice.

The book will be released for free online under a CC BY-SA licence, which allows users to read, copy and share it freely.

To be notified when the book is released, sign up here.

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