Credit: Pixabay

Blockchain is not just about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin; this technology has started to move into all kinds of sectors, from real estate to healthcare – and now journalism.

While the journalism community is slowly starting to take note of blockchain, many still use it as a bit of a buzzword without knowing 100 per cent sure what it actually means.

So how does blockchain work and why should journalists care? Join us at newsrewired on 6 March 2019, and learn more about this technology from top experts.

Book your ticket here

Daniel Sieberg, CEO of iO and Principal iO Ventures, LLC

Daniel Sieberg is a former journalist and he now advises a number blockchain startups. As a former co-founder of Civil, a blockchain journalism network, he has first-hand experience of implementing this new technology in publishing.

Christian de Vartavan, advisor and global ambassador, PUBLIQ

Christian de Vartavan is a Tech London Advocate as well as an expert in the APPG-Blockchain group of the House of Lords & House of Commons (Parliamentary, UK). He was also elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society in 2017 (London) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London) in 2018.

Other sessions and workshops we are planning:

  •    Local news: Breaking out of the London bubble
  •    How can we monetise content on smart speakers?
  •    Who is investing in solutions journalism
  •    How to reinvent your mobile storytelling

… and many more. Click here to view the agenda.

Want to find out more? Book your ticket here

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