A new technology transparency initiative has been launched by Global Voices Online, the international citizen media site.

The new project, the Transparency for Technology Network, involves eight researchers and eight research reviewers who will document around 32 case studies of the 'most innovative technology' for transparency projects outside of North America and Western Europe.

Rising Voices, which is the outreach and training arm of Global Voices, is to map online technology projects that aim to promote transparency, political accountability and civic engagement in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, China, and Central & Eastern Europe.

"For years now there has been an ongoing debate about whether the internet is good or bad for democracy. But we have few case studies and even fewer comparative research mappings of internet-based projects that aim to improve governance, especially in countries outside of North America and Western Europe," Global Voices said in an announcement.

The organisation aims to better understand what tactics and tools are best for making government information accessible to the general public, holding authorities' accountable and promoting civic engagement.

"Hopefully the Technology for Transparency Network will lead not only to more informed debate about the internet's impact on democracy, but also to more participation and interest in projects that aim to empower and improve the livelihoods of citizens who were previously excluded from political participation".

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