
How to succeed in journalism

How to: start out in financial journalism

A guide to reporting on financial statements, share prices and the budget

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 10/02/12

How to: correctly report numbers in the news

Why all journalists should tackle numbers and advice on getting to grips with statistics

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 30/01/12

How to: prepare for a journalism job interview

Interview advice from editors and HR managers at the Guardian, Telegraph and BBC

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 23/01/12

How to: write a covering letter and CV

Tips from editors and HR managers on how to apply for a job in journalism

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 16/01/12

How to: best post news on Twitter and Facebook

Ten tips from the experts on getting to grips with social media optimisation on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 24/11/11

How to: get noticed by journalists

Lessons for companies and PRs in engaging with and getting themselves noticed by journalists

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 15/11/11

How to: manage reader comments as a journalist

Expert in social media management Tamara Littleton explains how journalists can best deal with comments

Posted by Tamara Littleton on 17/10/11

How to: become a roaming reporter

Inspiring stories for aspiring foreign correspondents - advice on earning a living as a journalist abroad

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 26/09/11

How to: syndicate freelance articles abroad

Understand the type of articles that sell overseas, the amount of money you can earn and how to take the first step

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 01/09/11

How to: write headlines that work for SEO

Advice on how to understand SEO and why journalists need to think about writing five headlines for every news story

Posted by Malcolm Coles on 26/08/11

How to: know when to use photos from social media

Privacy issues, copyright law and the ethics of publishing photographs and videos from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 17/08/11

How to: shoot and edit video on an iPhone

A guide on how to shoot and edit video for the web when out in the field or covering breaking news using an iPhone, iPad or iPod

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 08/08/11

How to: get to grips with SEO as a journalist

The first part in a series on developing a better understanding of search engine optimisation specifically for journalists

Posted by Malcolm Coles on 01/08/11

How to: create a Facebook page as a journalist

Why journalists should create a Facebook fan page, examples of best practice and tips on setting up a page

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 14/07/11

How to: record phone interviews

A step-by-step guide to recording radio and podcast-quality telephone interviews using mobile, landline or computer

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 20/06/11

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