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NICAR, the annual data and investigative reporting conference ran by the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), aims to give people the tools they need to "dig deeper into stories and give your audience the information they want".

NICAR 2017 took place in Jacksonville, Florida during the first week of March and this resource list compiled by Chrys Wu, former developer advocate at The New York Times and past member of the IRE board of directors, covers some of the presentations, tutorials and tools mentioned at the conference.

The list includes a presentation about making data approachable for younger audiences, a look at how news organisations have adapted NPR's responsive graphics tool and tips for user testing, but also more technical resources, such as mapping with R and tutorials for using Python.

Update: This article has been edited to update Chrys Wu's job title.

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