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The annual NICAR conference organised by Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) took place between 8 and 11 March in Chicago, offering workshops and talks for reporters looking to kick-start or expand their data journalism and coding skills.

You can see the schedule for the conference here and browse the #NICAR18 hashtag on Twitter to check out highlights from the sessions that interest you, and keep an eye out for slides from speakers.

To get an idea of the topics discussed at the event, check out this round-up from Tomas Doherty, MA Interactive Journalism student at City, University of London, and editor of the Interhacktives website.

Doherty has collated some of the best tips and talks from NICAR, including a GitHub guide for journalists, tutorials for data analysis and plotting using R, and best (and worst) practices for making data visualisations.

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