CNET Networks UK's has rearranged its editorial team with a series of promotions, moves and appointments.

Former managing editor Will Sturgeon has moved to the role of editor-at-large, overseeing the weekly round-up, weekly podcasts and special reports for

The new managing editor Sylvia Carr, previously analysis and reports editor, will manage all columnists, annual special reports, and help to grow the recently launched 'wi-fi watch' website.

Steve Ranger is to take the newly created role of news editor. He leaves his past position of business editor, which is to be filled by a new employee.

One of his predecessors as news editor, Julian Goldsmith, will move to be business editor. Ms Goldsmith, who was part of the launch team, will concerntrate on developing the public sector, financial services and retail & leisure sections of the publication.

Promoted to the role of community editor Andy McCue will oversee the CIO Visions Series strand and develop a number of new content types.

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