News and debate on internet hot topics is the focus for a new email discussion list launched this month.

The organisers of UKPress claim the new list will be a serious source of contacts and news for IT journalists looking to stay on top of industry trends and developments.

The aim is to bring journalists together with PR professionals to create a platform that will help writers and PR people share ideas and information. The discussion list is free and open to any journalist working on internet and mobile communications coverage. It will also be moderated to cut out spam and ensure content remains on topic.

Co-organiser Jo Chipchase of Can-U-Hack-It told dotJournalism that since going live on 17 February subscribers have been debating a range of topics including domain names and effective press release delivery. He had received a 'continuous stream' of membership applications. The site is hosted by the Brighton-based TV production and web company

Jo Chipchase and editor of Internet Investor Paul Douglas set up UKPress after they realised that existing e-mail forums did not realise the potential for 'making the journalist's role easier.'

'We had both previously participated in other successful lists, such as uk-netmarketing - which covers the new media sector - and could see the value for communications professionals to share ideas and make contacts,' Jo Chipchase told dotJournalism.

'UKPress puts journalists in direct contact with PRs, and vice versa, which should certainly make everyone's life easier.'

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