
Readmill's new 'library' feature

Readmill, a social ebook experience, has today launched two new features aimed at independent publishers including news outlets entering the digital book publishing space.

Readmill allows users to highlight parts of an ebook, and share them with your friends via social media, encouraging comment and debate.

The platform, which launched in December and describes itself as "an online book club, with some extras on top", today launched "library" and "send to Readmill"

"We want to bridge the gap between buying and reading these ebooks, and offer people who use these sources the same convenient user experience they would find when dealing with Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple," Readmill said in an email.

The new "library" feature lets users upload their ebooks to the cloud and make them immediately accessible from anywhere.

"With an increasing number of people choosing to buy their ebooks from various sources, 'library' eliminates the current need to store them on your computer," Reamill said in a release. "It also links them directly to Readmill for iPad, ready for reading."

"Send to Readmill", also launched today, "is a button that works in conjunction with 'library' to get purchased ebooks into an account with one click - truly minimising the amount of work a user has to do before they can start reading".

Readmill announced it is partnering with eight independent stores as part of the launch and hopes to attract more small and medium size publishers, including news outlets.

Technology publisher GigaOM yesterday announced it had started publishing ebooks, following in the footsteps of other news outlets including the Guardian.

Readmill is available as a bookmarklet for Kindle and as an iPad app from the App Store.

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