
The changes will mean newspaper circulation data will be given in more detail with a breakdown of weekday and Saturday editions

Credit: Lewis Stickley/PA

The Audit Bureau of Circulation has announced that from next month it will publish both a weekday and Saturday average circulation figure for national newspapers.

In a release ABC confirmed the changes to its reporting of newspaper circulations, which also include the introduction of circulation data for any issues excluded from ABC averages.

"The changes were developed and agreed by the National Newspaper Reporting Standards Group, which is facilitated by ABC. The group represents the interests of the sector across media buyers, agencies and media owners."

ABC issues a monthly report detailing the average daily and monthly circulations for national newspapers in the UK. The next report is due on Friday 13 April, which will cover circulations for the month of March.

The changes will apply from April's circulation figures, to be reported in May.

Currently the report is broken down by morning and Sunday newspapers, and then further by popular, mid-market and "quality" titles.

Rufus Olins, CEO of the Newspaper Marketing Agency said the changes will offer "more granularity and transparency into the circulation of our national news brands".

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