Evening Standard website

The London Evening Standard website recorded 2.8 million unique browsers for March

The website for the London Evening Standard saw a 25.04 per cent drop in average daily browsers in March, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulation.

The figures for March, compared to February, showed the Standard also saw the biggest decrease in total monthly traffic of 21.79 per cent, taking it below the three million mark.

This decrease came in the same month as the Evening Standard relaunched its website. Managing director for digital at the Independent and Standard Zach Leonard told Journalism.co.uk that traffic is "now moving very nicely in the right direction".

The Independent, however, was the only audited news site to see an increase in average daily browsers, of 3.44 per cent, and secured the biggest rise in total monthly traffic, of 13.33 per cent, taking it to 14.5 million.

Websites for the Sun newspaper and the Telegraph also both recorded rises in total monthly traffic, of 0.36 and 3.6 per cent respectively, but failed to record growth in average daily browsers.

Mirror Group Digital saw the second highest drop in average daily browsers, of 11.83 per cent, and the second biggest fall in total monthly browsers, of 5.90 per cent.

The Mail Online saw its total monthly browser figure fall back under 91 million with a 0.39 per cent drop for March.

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