The BBC's executive pay committee, the Executive Board Renumeration Committee, has ruled that all BBC public service executive directors will go without bonuses in 2009.

The decision, which was announced in a BBC Trust press conference today, was made in light of the current financial crisis.

The corporation's director-general, Mark Thompson, will also waive his entitlement for consideration of a bonus for 2009.

"The BBC is not immune from the financial pressures facing all industries and licence fee payers," said Sir Michael Lyons, chairman of the Trust, in the conference.

"In light of the financial challenges currently facing the BBC, the Trust asked the Executive Board Renumeration Committee to look very hard at whether it would be appropriate to pay any bonuses to public service executive directors in 2009."

Thompson's six-year financial strategy for the corporation is also under review and announcements about this will be made in the New Year, Lyons added.

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