The Daily Express has launched an iPad edition - the first iPad application developed by digital newspaper and magazine editions company PageSuite.

The new app costs £7.99 to download and will give users an initial 30-day subscription to iPad editions of the Daily Express and Sunday Express. Individual editions, pages and videos can be downloaded to view offline.

Additional features include a breaking news feed and ticker and a video feed supplied by ITN, which will remain available after the 30-day subscription period is up. After 30 days readers will be given the option to subscribe to the digital iPad editions of the papers through the app and will be given the first three pages of future editions free to encourage renewals, PageSuite told

Video of Express iPad app in development

The Sun launched its iPad app earlier this week priced at £4.99, offering a 28-day subscription to digital replicas of its daily editions. At £9.99, The Times' recently launched iPad offering is more expensive than the Express for 28 days.

The Financial Times was one of the first UK newspapers to launch on the iPad with a free-to-download application that will operate under its tiered registration and subscription access scheme.

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