The law firm representing WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange has set up a fund to support the defence of legal proceedings against him.

Media lawyers Finers Stephens Innocent have launched the Julian Assange Defence Fund to help pay for Assange's legal costs, whether in the UK, Sweden, US or any other jurisdiction.

Last week the WikiLeaks founder was granted bail following his arrest for allegedly sexually assaulting two women in Sweden and is now awaiting an extradition hearing. Assange and his supporters are concerned that he could be extradited to Sweden, or to the US to face charges in connection with WikiLeaks' US embassy cables release earlier this month.

The defence fund will be administered by chartered accountants Hazlems Fenton LLP and overseen by a voluntary committee, members of which already include director of the London Centre for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen and filmmaker John Pilger.

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