Screenshot of EveryBlock website
Data-driven news service EveryBlock has partnered the New York Times to expand political news coverage on its New York site.

In a new section on EveryBlock New York users will be notified when a local elected representative is mentioned in the Times.

The deal makes use of data from the Times' Represent site - a searchable catalogue of information on members of local authorities and government in New York, an announcement on the EveryBlock blog said.

EveryBlock, which provides news on public health, crime and local authority decisions on a street-by-street basis, has 11 city sites including New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco.

Since July 2008 the Chicago site has powered a map of local news articles on the Chicago Tribune's website.

The 'microlocal' news service was founded by Adrian Holovaty and supported with a grant from the Knight Foundation's News Challenge.

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