The United Nations has relaunched its online service to help journalists find experts and analysts when working on stories of political, religious and culture issues.

The Global Expert Finder (GEF) is a product of the United Nation's Alliance of Civilizations' (UNAOC) Media Program and has been relaunched with a broader range of subjects covered and more multimedia features.

Experts and opinion leaders on politics, terrorism, human rights, women's rights, globalisation and religion can be located using the service, which allows journalists to search by area of expertise, language and location, and seek out other background information about the experts.

Users can also switch between a global and Euro-Mediterranean version of the database.

"[I]t [GEF] enables experienced commentators to give interviews, provide quotes, and share their views with media professionals when an event breaks out, helping to create greater understanding of potentially polarizing issues," says a release from the UNAOC.

The new site, which boasts more than 360 experts, also offers podcasts and video interviews from its library of experts.

The site is not the only service offering media expert services, but is free of charge and supported by a range of media think tanks and industry organisations, including the International Center for Journalists and Global Forum for Media Development.

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