
Early parent-child relationships are critical for the child's socio-emotional, cognitive, neurobiological development, and overall health outcomes.

Onebright explores effective strategies and practical tips for building stronger parent-child relationships.

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It is the desire of every parent to raise their child to feel comfortable sharing their hopes, fears, and dreams openly, where they feel understood and supported.

However, the parenting journey can sometimes feel daunting to navigate, and the path is often filled with uncertainty as parents' journey through the different stages of their child's life.

The power of connection

Social connections form the cornerstones of health and wellbeing, and for adolescents, connections with family, peers, and community significantly influence development.

Research shows that a supportive social network of parents, peers, and teachers improves adolescent mental and behavioral health and yields lifelong benefits.

Nurturing parent-child relationships yields countless benefits across all stages of development, from early childhood to adolescence and beyond.

So, how can parents create an environment where children feel safe and secure?

1. Open and effective communication

Communication constitutes the backbone of any healthy relationship, including parent-child relationships. Communicate with your child using age-appropriate verbal/non-verbal language they can easily understand.

Actively listening to your child demonstrates interest and care for what they have to say. Ensure your child feels heard and validate their experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

2. Doing activities / learning together

Making time to play/learn together with your child helps build positive attachment. Playing is a child's job regardless of age and is integral to their growth and learning.

Activities aid in building self-esteem, curiosity, language development, and cognitive skills. Remember, it’s not just about what you do, but the connection you forge through activities. Playing games, dancing, walking, and singing together are excellent ways to relieve stress for both you and your child.

Having fun together releases endorphins that promote a sense of well-being and connectedness. These moments also create lasting memories and strengthen the bond between parent and child.

3. Maintaining daily routine

Children thrive with routine as it provides a sense of security and control. Knowing what to expect reassures your child and instils confidence to carry out tasks independently.

Establish family routines such as regular mealtimes, bedtime, game nights, or weekend walks to foster a sense of togetherness and strengthen the parent-child bond. These shared experiences create a reservoir of cherished memories that children carry into adulthood.

4. Encouraging independence

Parents find that building a strong parent-child relationship is an incredibly rewarding process.

Witnessing a child thriving because they feel safe to take risks, explore their world with curiosity, and exercise independence is equally rewarding. Parents can support their child's autonomy by allowing them to make age-appropriate decisions.

Additionally, assigning small responsibilities that increase with age helps children learn from their experiences. Balancing nurturing with promoting independence supports children in developing confidence and resilience.

Investing time in building a healthy parent-child relationship is essential for optimal health outcomes and promoting the child's mental and emotional development into adulthood.

If you need extra support in strengthening your parent-child relationship with practical CBT techniques guided by a children’s mental health professional, then why not contact the Onebright team today and arrange for a consultation?

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