conversation chat
Credit: By marcwathieu on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

From overcompensating on listening to setting a clear goal for a conversation, Lisa Rossi has compiled 13 things she has realised from teaching as a journalism fellow at Stanford University.

Drawing on unusual sources and exercises she has conducted with her students throughout the academic year, Rossi gives a comprehensive account of ways people can establish 'high-quality' conversations.

One such unusual source is the teachings from a Buddhist monk. She explains that to reduce conflict in a conversation you should listen without judging or reacting - an important skill for an objective journalist.

Lessons from a marriage counseling podcast are also mentioned, designed to teach her students how to summarise the arguments of the person you are talking to.

For those interested in a deeper understanding of how to build better conversations, Rossi also includes a reading and listening list at the bottom of the article.

Read all 13 lessons here.

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