Credit: Photo by image-catalog on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

Audio packages, similarly to written stories, require an introduction that will not only grab the listener's attention, but also convince them they should stay with you after the initial soundbite.

From looking at the engagement stats of its NPR One app, NPR has learned that if an audio story doesn't "promise something interesting at the beginning, fewer people will listen", regardless of whether you're giving them a 3-minute package or an hour-long show.

Alison Macadam, senior editorial specialist at NPR, has put together a guide on the NPR Training website for how to begin an audio story.

Her tips include starting off by posing a question – "listeners don't know the destination, but they know we have one", as well as using the "I" technique sparingly, as a first-person introduction is only needed to add urgency and narrative to some but not all stories depending on the topic.

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