
Vox pops are a classic news item you see in radio and TV bulletins to gauge public opinion on a topic. But stopping random people on the street for their thoughts is always a test of courage for young journalists especially.

There is always the fear of the how people will react. You might also forget to mic up correctly or mess up the questions. But the art of vox popping can be learnt and refined. The USC Annenberg Media Center shared their best tips on how to speak to strangers for radio and TV soundbites.

It recommends getting used to people saying 'no' and trying not take rejections personally. Loads of people are either camera shy, do not want to be interviewed or simply do not have the time.

"Keep asking; there are plenty of people out there who like to give their opinion. Find places where people are waiting; bored people may be more willing to talk," it reads.

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