many pics
Credit: By jared on Flickr. Some Rights reserved.

Everyone is familiar with the saying of 'a picture is worth a thousand words' and choosing the right one is crucial to grabbing the reader's attention or even conveying a more powerful message that can't be done only through text. 

However, sometimes it is not that easy to find the perfect visual to accompany your writing and an allegedly small task becomes an annoying time-consuming job of scrolling through archives of stock images.

To solve this problem, BBC Academy trainer Maria Esperanza Sanchez, together with BBC World Service picture editor Emma Lynch, have put together a list of suggestions on how to choose the right image for your article.

Their advice is to check if your picture has at least two of the three following characteristics – animation, relevant context and convey meaning – but also a strong composition, which can differ according to whether the photograph focuses on a person or an object.

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