Credit: Photo by niko photos on Unsplash

There is a clue in the name of 'news stories' - they rely on being recent to drive traffic. But news publishers also care about 'evergreen' content which has a much longer shelf life both on social media and on the website.

Why? As Faisal Kalim writes in a piece for What's New In Publishing, titles like Wired get 20 per cent of their traffic through articles dated more than six months.

But how do they keep it fresh and relevant? Indu Chandrasekhar, director of audience development, Wired, said a lot of focus goes on re-promoting content.

"We’ve played around with language. We’ve pulled quotes from the story. We’ve made special art and created special assets. We’ve done Twitter threads. We’ve done interviews, we’ve done excerpts. There’s no end to things you can do," it reads.

Save the date: our Newsrewired conference takes place on 27 November at Reuters, London. Head to for the full agenda and tickets

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