Ugly dog: more interesting than Al-Jazeera bombing memo, apparentlyFor Dog's sake would someone please leak this bloody memo on the internet so we can all get over it and move on.

Someone has it... an inconspicuous blank-looking CD, in pride of place in the middle of a very busy desk. Just put it on your blog already!

All those fascinating details... whether that remark about bombing Al-Jazeera's HQ was actually a joke - probably followed, as Peter Preston quipped on the news last night, by a remark about doing the same to the BBC.

I will keep sniffing round the usual places, but for much of today the most popular link topic on Technorati has been the death of a 14-year-old ugly dog. Great. Thanks.

Mind you, I felt compelled to take a look and actually it really is remarkably ugly. Reminds me of someone (me too - ed.).

New stuff

• From the brainwracking at the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) conference in Athens recently: "The world is full of millions and millions of people who want to do our job for us, and publish stories on their own," said WAN strategy advisor Jim Chisholm.

"Production editors no longer have a staff of 50 - they have 50,000. The problem is, nobody knows what is good among all that." has partnered with Vision TV to provide celebrity news headlines to 250 hair salons in the UK. The service uses the RSS news feed alongside celebrity photos.

• The London College of Communication has a new student website, fresh off the whatevers today.

• If page design is your thing, you might be interested in the launch of Layout, a newsletter on editorial production. No online edition, although subscribers can access a PDF version on the website.

• The Interactive Advertising Bureau has a cracking new website.

The bit at the end

• Oh yes - don't forget the Today egg cups, in aid of Children in Need. They tickle me.

• Yesterday I found a hastily scrawled note that had fallen down the back of my desk. It said:

"Moderate drinking has long been known to have health benefits. Immoderate drinking has long been known to lead to journalism."

With due credit to Radio 4's News Quiz in January last year. Must clean around desk more often.

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