Time Inc. is expected to close US magazine Teen People but keep its online edition.

Teen People was one of the first major magazines to take advantage of the number of teenagers online in the US, launching simultaneous print and web editions in 1998.

Its move wholly online is a further sign that US magazines are being forced to follow the migration of their readership to the web.

Earlier this year, Hachette Filipacchi stopped printing ElleGirl in the US to concentrate resources on producing the magazine online.

In October 2004, Condé Nast purchased teen-oriented YM and closed the magazine, but it kept alive YM.com.

Time Inc. introduced Teen People to an already flooded teen girls market eight years ago, during which time several high-profile magazines in the sector have ceased to exist.

The magazine's initial circulation of 500,000 more than tripled to 1.6 million in 2001, but has more recently been less than 1.5 million.

The move will take place after publication of the September edition and could affect at least 50 jobs at the publication.

Ann Moore and John Huey, president and editor-in-chief, announced the changes in a memo to staff earlier this week.

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