The publisher of a web site promoting women's freedom in Iraq has been emailed death threats by an Islamic militia group.

Yanar Mohammed, head of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) and publisher of the web site, has been sent two emails this year from a group called Jaish Al-Sahaba (Army of Sahaba), which is believed to have links with Al-Qaeda.

The first email sent in January contained a specific death threat to Ms Mohammed. The second sent in February threatens to assassinate her and her colleagues by blowing them up unless they end their campaign for a secular law based upon full equality between men and women.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on coalition forces in Iraq to provide Ms Mohammed with protection.

"This colleague has come under attack because she is fighting for basic human rights," said Aidan White, IFJ general secretary. "It is urgent that she is given full protection and that those who are putting her life at risk are exposed."

Ms Mohammed remains defiant, according to a press release on "Please tell all our good friends that supported me that I'm doing well and that we cannot quit our fight that easily. We are here to do more and more."

Supporters are urged to sign an online petition at and details of how you can make a financial contribution to Ms Mohammed's defence campaign can be found on the OWFI web site (see links below).

Mr White said the IFJ has asked the Federation of Arab Journalists and other journalists' organisation in Iraq to to take up the case.

"This is not just a vicious attack on a colleague, it highlights the strength of opposition among some extremists to the notion of democracy, freedom and fundamental human rights for all," said Mr White.

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