The Los Angeles Times is the only major US newspaper to have a website that is increasing in traffic year-on-year, according to the site's senior editor.

In this podcast technology correspondent Sarah Marshall speaks to Jimmy Orr, managing editor of the about how appointing SEO chief Amy Hubbard has led the site to record traffic. As well as discussing Hubbard's day-to-day role, Orr offers his advice on SEO strategy and outlines his optimism for the news industry.

We also hear from SEO expert David Amerland on how the different strategies of the Guardian and the Mail Online have resulted in traffic success and how other news organisations have struggled to move from print to the online world.

This podcast is the second in a two-part series on headline writing and SEO.

You can find a guide on how to get to grips with SEO as a journalist, how to write great headlines the work for SEO and more from David Amerland on the state of the UK newspaper industry.

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