Centre for Investigative Journalism
The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) will open its doors for its sixth annual training conference this weekend (July 17-19), held at London's City University.

The CIJ Summer School, which is aimed at journalists seeking to improve their investigative skills and financial, business and political reporting, will feature expert training sessions in: computer-assisted reporting (CAR), advanced internet research, new threats in libel and privacy law and undercover reporting.

Tutors and speakers include: Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks; Heather Brooke, Freedom of Information campaigner and investigative journalist; Jennifer LaFleur, director of CAR at ProPublica; and Aron Pilhofer, editor of interactive news technologies at The New York Times.

Keynote speeches by Private Eye editor Ian Hislop, investigative journalist David Leigh and founder of the Center for Public Integrity Charles 'Chuck' Lewis will be open to the public, with a limited number of tickets available.

Full details of the speeches are available at this link and the school programme can be found here.

Sessions are divided into streams for beginners, intermediates and advanced-level delegates. Student places are now sold out, but full price spots are still available with some reductions for National Union of Journalists (NUJ) members.

To book, use this form or email minal [at] tcij [dot] org.

Journalism.co.uk will be reporting back from the conference - follow our news feed next week.

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