Gillmor announces centre for citizen mediaA dedicated centre for the study of citizen media is being launched next year, led by journalist and citizen journalism advocate Dan Gillmor.

The Center for Citizen Media will be a non-profit organisation affiliated to the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkley, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard.

The aim of the project is to study and foster developments in grassroots media and citizen journalism, and to run events.

Writing on his blog today, Dan Gillmor said that he wants to see citizen media contribute to a more informed citizenry.

"We need a thriving media and journalism ecosystem. We need what big institutions do so well, but we also need the bottom-up - or, more accurately, edge-in - knowledge and ideas of what I've called the 'former audience' that has become a vital part of the system."

The centre's website will be at

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